From the Wigmore Hall to the Salzburg Festival—Dénes Várjon prepares for prestigious performances
From: Papageno
30th Mai 2022
From: Papageno
30th Mai 2022
Pianist Dénes Várjon: probing performances of Beethoven, Bartok and Liszt
Review by David Richards
Toronto ON March 28th 2018
The Strad Issue: March 2018
Description: Fantasy and fairy tales are at the heart of a gripping recital
Musicians: Tabea Zimmermann (viola), Jörg Widmann (clarinet), Dénes Várjon (piano)
Works: SCHUMANN Märchenerzählungen op.132, Fantasiestücke op.73, Märchenbilder op. 113. WIDMANN Es war einmal…
Catalogue Number: MYRIOS MYR020
The prestigious German Record Critics’ Award was established in 1980 to set the “most rigorous standards for supreme achievement and quality” in the field of music recording. The jury consists of 156 music critics, writers and musicologists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
In 2018 in the category of chamber music the Award went to Classical Music Agency’s pianist, Dénes Várjon, for his recent CD “Once Upon a Time…”, recorded with Tabea Zimmermann and Jörg Widmann for the Myrios label, featuring works by Schumann and Widmann.
Bachtrack, the world’s largest London based classical music listings site has released the statistics for the past year. In 2017 Bachtrack listed over 32.000 (!) concerts and performances of classical music across the globe, so their statistics are the truest reflection of the international scene possible.
We are extremely proud that three Classical Concert Agency artists have been among the busiest musicians in 2017: cellist István Várdai and pianist Dénes Várjon finished first, whereas violinist Kristóf Baráti was eighth. Here are the results.
Innovation, disruption. Words can get tossed about so promiscuously they lose all meaning and relevance. These days, especially, the packaging or the formatting — an app, the web — has become more important than the thing itself. It’s still just a taxi ride. It’s still a person writing words. But everyone must innovate, say the forces of the market and society. And so the classical music world has been trying to innovate, for most of this century, with barely a shred of aesthetic or economic success to show for it.
2018 marks my twentieth year of writing music reviews from New York and the number hovers around the 1000 mark. Not many of those events were as surprising as the last one conducted by Iván Fischer. For better or worse Maestro has earned a reputation as a trickster. Last season here at Lincoln Center he allowed about 20 music student instrumentalists to crash the party during the final moments of the Beethoven 5th Symphony, which did seem to energize the crowd but called into question his serious musical bona fides. A critical review by Concertonet.
New York, David Geffen Hall, Lincoln Center
Sunday January 14th, 2018 – The Budapest Festival Orchestra, with Iván Fischer on the podium, in an afternoon concert at David Geffen Hall as part of the Lincoln Center’s Great Performers series. I loved the configuration of the players onstage, with the basses on the top riser, dead-center; the BFO produce a solid-gold sound of Olde World cordiality. A critical review by Oberon’s Grove.
“A megörökített intimitás – így jellemezhetjük ezt a különleges kamarazenei felvételt, amely egyszersmind a zeneirodalom méltatlanul ritkán játszott értékeire is felhívja a figyelmet.” – A Nagy Fúga című lemez kritikája a Gramofon őszi számában olvasható.
“Óriási sikerrel koncertezett Várjon Dénes zongoraművész a hét elején véget ért 70. Edingburghi Zenei Fesztiválon. Várjon először augusztus 21-én a világhírű amerikai hegedűművésszel, Joshua Bell-lel adott szonátaestet, majd augusztus 26-án a hozzájuk csatlakozó csellista, Steven Isserlis társaságában trióként léptek színpadra. „Bell, Isserlis és Várjon a saját jogukon is fenomenális művészek, de trióként egyszerűen szenzációsak” – írta kritikájában a Scotsman. Read More